The Importance of Self-Care


Imagine your favorite place on earth. It may be the beach, the mountains or your very own garden at home. Regardless of where it is, think about yourself being there right now. What kind of feelings do you feel? Usually for me, when I think about being at the beach and starring out at the ocean with the sand in my toes, my soul seems to rest and relax.

Realistically, I don’t live near the beach and don’t have the luxury of going there every day, but over time, I have found some practices that give me that similar feeling of rest and relaxation. Here are some daily practices you can try:

·         Going out into nature; whether on a walk, run, bike ride or hike. Something about being in the great outdoors is so rejuvenating and fresh.

·         Practicing yoga or deep breathing exercises

·         Reading a good book

·         Work in the garden

·         Knitting

·         Cooking

·         Taking a bath

·         Calling a friend

·         Date night with a significant other

·         Spending time with your pets

·         Laugh

·         Write in a journal

·         Eat something (or a lot of things) that are green

·         Take a break from social media

·         GET A MASSAGE 😊

“No matter how indulgent or fancy the term may sound, self-care is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. You shouldn’t neglect self-care…” (Forbes).

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and take good care of yourself. You are worth the investment and your friends and family will thank you, I promise!